13 March 2008


Yes, I have heard the new song by Hercules and Love Affair - those disco-infused NY mixers. Well, I actually really like Blind. I'm not really an Anthony Hegarty fan but this gives him another dimension. The backing track is quite cool too - I'm quite captivated really. Something about it really hit me when I heard it at about ten to seven this morning. The only thing is, I think the brass section between verses could have been a bit more spectacular. I'll have to check them out more...

P.S. Just got Midnight Boom by the Kills through the post. So far so spectacular. Will keep you posted.


  1. Hey jamjarsuperstar, I posted up the bull terrier thing that you wanted!

  2. Hey, I was just wondering if you would fill this out jamjarsuperstar:

    What Breed is right for you?

    Please fill out this form and then send it to kingofdogsdane@yahoo.com to find out what dog breed is right for you.
    Section A:
    How active are you?:
    How much Exercise needs can you tolerate?:

    How much Grooming needs can you tolerate?:
    How much Shedding can you tolerate?:
    How much Agression can you tolerate?:
    How good do they have to be with children?:
    What dogs breeds do you like?:
    Section B:
    Please tell me what age group you are in; 0-10, 11-16, 17-23, 24-32, 33-43, 44-52, 53-67, 68-75 or are you 76 and up?(If you are comfortable to, you may just enter your exact age):

    Section C:

    How much money do you have to spend on a dog?:
    How much money do you have to pay for food?:
    How much money do you have to pay for Toys?:

    How much money do you have to pay when you take it to the vets for the first time?

    How much money do you have to pay for leashes, collars, food bowls, water bowls etc.?:

    Section D:

    If you have ever had (a) dog(s) before, what breed(s) was it/were they?:

    Do you have a cat, other dogs or any other animals?:

    Do you have children?:

    If you have children, What are/is there/it's age(s)?:

    Section E:

    How often will you and/or family(If you have anyone in your household besides you)be at home?:

    How much time will you, and/or your family if you have one, be able to care, love, play and pay attention to your dog?:

    Section F:

    Optional Questions(Information about you):

    Full Name:

    E-mail Address:

    Other(Other means any other information you might want to give me):

  3. hello. I like your blog. It's very intersting!


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